Sabtu, 26 April 2008

Banten Food Crops and Agriculture

Paddy and Palawija

Since Banten Province has
been formed (2000), the production of paddy always increase, more over in 2004 the production significant increase 7.13 % compared to 2003 production. In 2004, the productivity of paddy provides 1,812,495 tons (dry unhusked paddy/DUP) or increase 120,572 tons compared to 2003 production. This increasing is influenced by increasing of harvested area (4.79 %) and productivity (2.22 %).

Among 6 commodities of
secondary crops, only production of soybeans and mungbeans decrease 5.96% and 2.65% respectively, even the other increase. Among 4 commodities of secondary crops, soybeans as a one of superior commodity in Banten significant increase both the productivity and the production. The productivity of soybeans increases 1.36% and 41.79% in production. Increasing of soybeans production is affected by increasing of harvested area (39.89%). The central of soybeans production is in Pandeglang (95%). Regency of Pandeglang, Serang and Lebak has the biggest contribution of paddy productivity. It more than 80 % of production in Banten comes from those regencies.


We have effort to improve
the data of horticultures such as vegetables, fruits, medicine crops and decoration plants. The data is more complete than before. The biggest productions of seasonal vegetable crops in 2004 are cucumber (50,838 tons), swamp cabbage (26,912 tons) and long beans (30,097 tons). Meanwhile, water melon (1.404 tons) is the biggest production of seasonal fruit crops.

The potential of annual
vegetables and fruit crops in Banten are big enough. In 2004, durian as a popular fruit and expensive enough has stated production 19,604 tons. This crop can be easily found in Regency of Serang, Lebak and Pandeglang. Emping melinjo (fried chips made of Gnetum gnemon fruit), another popular commodity, has been produced 47,652 tons in 2004.

This commodity can absorb
so many labor forces in rural area. The number of medicine crops were laos (1,63 tons), turmeric (1,25 tons) and mengkudu (1,10 tons). Among decorative plants orchid is the most popular. In 2004, with 28,23 hectare cultivated area that plant produced 1,46 stalk of orchid. Orchid can be easily found in Regency of Tangerang.

Estate Crops

The estate data is
classified in 3 group as National Large Estate, Private Estate and smallholder estate. National Large Estates Company has managed several commodities such as rubber, coconut and oil palm in Banten with 8,796 hectare in wide total. In 2004, private estate companies stated the production of cocoa is 56,586 tons (in box), rubber is 320,114 tons (in sheet), and coconut is 25 tons (in copra).

The estate crops area
managed by National Large Estates Company is 1,479.33 hectares. In that area 1,092.18 hectares are cultivated area with production is 1,303.24 tons. The important commodities of smallholder estate were coconut, oil palm and rubber. These commodities give more advantage of people mainly economic sector. In 2004 production of these commodities are 50,315 tons (copra) of coconut, 37,970 tons (fresh fruit) of palm oil and 7,323 tons (sheet) of rubber. In 2004 the smallholder estates has produced 8,799 tons (emping) of melinjo. That production comes from 5,669 hectares cultivated areas.


The total area of
production forest stated 42,538 hectares. About 65% or 27,845 hectares of that area is in Pandeglang. Meanwhile, the area of protection forest is 7,894 hectares. More over, the total area of national forest reached 80,190 hectares. That area spread in Pandeglang, Lebak and Serang. The kind of forest production can be recorded were teak wood and jungle wood. In 2004, production of teak wood reached 16,549 m3 with value more than Rp 27 billion. Production of jungle wood is 9,510 m3 or more than Rp 3.4 billion in value.


Livestock was one of
animal protein food material, growth data was shown at table 5.4.1 to table 5. 4. 12. At those tables were shown as population, production and incoming/outgoing livestock of Banten province by kind of livestock and fowl. In 2004, buffalo has a lot of amount among large livestock in Banten.

In that year, population of
buffalo is 204,457 and cattle are 12,420. Number of cattle was slaughtered both in slaughterhouse or not is 51,209. For fulfilling of cattle it has came in Banten 47,775 tail. There is no a big difference of small livestock population between sheep and goat. The population of sheep is 595,953 and goat is 652,977. In 2004, the two biggest populations of poultry are native poultry (10.2 million), layer (9.2 million) and broiler (6.6 million).


In 2004, fishery
production reached about 54.18 thousand tons where about 53.68 thousand tons (99.07%) comes from marine fishery. Meanwhile, production of fishery aquaculture is 76.32 thousand tons. About 12.43% or 9.42 thousand tons comes from brackish production. The number of marine fishery boat is 4,804 units consists of 3,134 units of out board motor boat, 1,122 units of in board motor boat and 141 units of small sailing boat. Jukung as simple and traditional boat still applied by Banten fisherman is about 407 units.

Source: Banten in figures 2005

Published by Statistics of Banten Province